Ted Maciag (Maciag is pronounced "Macy-ag", or "May-see-ag") holds a law degree from the University of Virginia School of Law (Juris Doctor), a business degree from The Wharton School of Finance & Commerce (B.S.Ec. cum laude, Accounting & Finance), and a public policy degree from the University of Pennsylvania (A.B. cum laude, Public Policy). Ted Maciag did Graduate study in the M.A. Program in American Government & Public Administration at the University of Virginia Graduate School of Arts & Sciences. Prior to founding this law firm, Mr. Maciag was a Partner in a large law firm at Gateway Center, Newark, N.J.
Mr. Maciag is a native of New Jersey, and is an honors graduate (as Salutatorian) of DePaul High School in Wayne, N.J. His wife Mary holds a Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania, lived in Europe for several years as a Fulbright Scholar, and served for several years as Curator of a University Museum of Art & Archeology, as an adjunct art history professor, and as a Member of the School Board at St. Paul's School, Princeton, NJ. Son Timothy spent four years serving as a Cadet at the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, graduated May 2014, and was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant. Tim is now serving on active-duty as a Captain in the United States Air Force. Both Ted Maciag and Tim Maciag, father and son, are Eagle Scouts.
Ted Maciag brings to each legal matter his more than thirty years of experience as a practicing attorney and litigator, and his past experience in elected and appointed office, as a counsel to the Governor of New Jersey; in Washington, D.C. as chief of staff to a United States Congressman, as Mayor of a New Jersey municipality, as Deputy Executive Director of a N.J. state financing authority, as member of a Gubernatorial Transition Team, as Special County Counsel, and as a Municipal Attorney.
Ted Maciag has, as a Trial and Appellate Litigation Attorney, appeared in cases in Federal Courts before the United States Third Circuit Court of Appeals, United States District Courts, United States Bankruptcy Courts; and in State appellate and trial courts, including reported decisions in the Supreme Court of New Jersey, and in the N.J. Superior Court Appellate Division.
CORPORATE & BUSINESS LAW: Ted Maciag has many years of experience in legal matters including corporate litigation, partnership disputes, commercial transactions, corporate financing, start-ups and new ventures, and in mergers and acquisitions of corporations and small businesses. We offer significant legal experience in corporate turnarounds, and corporate reorganization, financial workouts, and financial restructuring including Chapter 11 Reorganization law, for both debtors and creditors.
Ted Maciag is experienced in corporation litigation and business disputes involving Litigation, Mediation, Arbitration, Injunctive Relief, Temporary Restraining Orders, and pre-litigation negotiations and settlements involving: Breach of Contract; Non-Compete agreements; Breach of Fiduciary Duty; Unjust Enrichment; Trade Secrets; Defamation; Tortious Interference; Internet Defamation (including the Computer-Related Offenses Act (CROA) and Unauthorized Access to Computer Data and Records; Wrongful Termination; Whistleblower Claims; and Employee Grievances; Partnership and Shareholder Disputes; and Mergers, Acquisitions, and Bulk Sales of small businesses and corporations.
Ted Maciag has been admitted in State and Federal Courts in New Jersey (D.N.J.), New York (S.D.N.Y., E.D.N.Y.), Pennsylvania (E.D.Pa.), Virginia (E.D.Va.), and Illinois (N.D.Ill.), on a pro hac vice basis for special matters. He has been admitted to the Bar in New Jersey (1981), Virginia (1981), and the District of Columbia (1989), and has been admitted to the bars of, and has appeared in: the New Jersey Supreme Court, the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey, and the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. He is experienced in Removal Litigation, involving the Removal of cases to the Federal Courts.
Mr. Maciag has acted as lead counsel in complex internationally litigated cases, coordinating co-counsel at the International Court of Justice at The Hague, The Netherlands, and in the Dutch Courts in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Ted Maciag has many years of experience in legal matters including corporate litigation, partnership disputes, commercial transactions, corporate financing, start-ups and new ventures, and in mergers and acquisitions of corporations and small businesses. We offer significant legal experience in corporate turnarounds, and corporate reorganization, financial workouts, and financial restructuring including Chapter 11 Reorganization law, for both debtors and creditors.
GOVERNMENT & REGULATORY EXPERIENCE: Ted Maciag has served in elective and appointive office at the Federal, State and local level. He has served as Mayor of Montgomery, N.J.; served three years as a senior legal counsel in the Office of the Governor of New Jersey, and served as Special Counsel to the Governor for Treasury, Budget & Finance; as Director of the Governor's Budget Unit for the State of New Jersey; as Deputy Executive Director of the New Jersey Housing & Mortgage Finance Agency (NJHMFA); as Governor's counsel to the New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA), as a Member of the New Jersey State Capital Budgeting & Planning Commission, and as a member of a Gubernatorial Transition Team. He served on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. as Chief of Staff (AA) to a United States Congressman, and has served as Election Law counsel to several Presidential, Gubernatorial, and U.S. Senate campaigns. In early 2021, Ted Maciag announced his candidacy to seek the nomination for election to the N.J. State Senate, but did not attain the Senate nomination. He has served eleven years as Municipal Attorney of the Borough of Manville, in Somerset County, New Jersey.
Mr. Maciag has argued precedent-setting landmark cases before the Supreme Court of New Jersey, and has several reported decisions in the Supreme Court of N.J. and in the Appellate Division of N.J. Superior Court.
STATE: Ted Maciag served as a member of a Gubernatorial Transition Team from November 2009 through January 2010) focusing on state and interstate Financing Authorities, Transportation Authorities, Redevelopment Authorities, and regulatory agencies, boards and commissions.
Office of the Governor: Ted Maciag served in the Office of the Governor, Hon. Thomas H. Kean of New Jersey for three years, serving as Associate Counsel to the Governor, as Special Counsel to the Governor for Treasury, Budget & Finance, and as Director of the Governor's Budget Unit. In those roles he served as the Governor's liaison on budget and finance matters to the Cabinet, the Office of Management & Budget, the N.J. State Senate, the N.J. General Assembly, and the Senate/Assembly Joint Appropriations Committee.
Ted Maciag also served for two years as Deputy Executive Director of the New Jersey Housing & Mortgage Finance Agency (NJHMFA), the State's 200-employee housing finance authority, working with Mayors and municipal officials throughout the State of New Jersey. He served three-years as Governor's Counsel to the New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA); and was appointed by Governor Tom Kean to a full term as a voting Member of the New Jersey State Commission on Capital Budgeting & Planning.
Supreme Court of New Jersey decision on state capital budgeting: Ted Maciag successfully presented oral argument before The Supreme Court of New Jersey in the landmark case Lance v. McGreevey, 180 N.J. 590, 853 A.2d 856 (2004). That historic case permanently narrowed the powers of Governor McGreevey and future governors from bonding long-term financial obligations without first obtaining approval of the voters of New Jersey through a ballot question as required by the State Constitution. In Lance v. McGreevey, Mr. Maciag presented Oral Argument before the New Jersey Supreme Court as co-counsel on behalf of Plaintiffs, who included N.J. State Senator (later U.S. Congressman) Leonard Lance, and former N.J. Gubernatorial Nominee Bret Schundler. He has served as regulatory law and election law legal counsel to Republican, Democratic, and Independent political campaigns throughout the State of New Jersey.
FEDERAL: Ted Maciag served for two years as Washington Staff Chief (AA) to United States Congressman Jim Collins, the ranking member of the Oversight & Investigations Subcommittee, House Energy & Commerce Committee, U.S. House of Representatives. (Mr. Maciag was, when first appointed just a few months past his 21st birthday, the youngest staff chief in the entire United States Congress.)
COUNTY: Ted Maciag served as Special Counsel to the Somerset County Board of Freeholders. He was elected to the Republican Somerset County Committee, and served in that office for twenty-two years.
MUNICIPAL:Ted Maciag served as Mayor of Montgomery, New Jersey. He also served as a Member of the Montgomery Township Planning Board, Township Zoning Board of Adjustment, and Township Open Space Committee. Ted Maciag has served eleven years as Corporation Counsel and Municipal Attorney for the Borough of Manville, Somerset County, New Jersey;as special litigation attorney for the Borough of Manville; as special litigation attorney for the Borough of Englewood Cliffs, Bergen County, New Jersey; and as special litigation attorney for the Township of Belleville, Essex County, New Jersey.
ELECTION LAW:Experienced in Election Law and Election Recounts, Mr. Maciag has served as counsel to both Republican and Democratic federal, state, county and municipal election campaigns, including appearing before the N.J. Supreme Court, Appellate Division, and Law Division in Election Law litigation.
Ted Maciag has served as Election Law counsel to Republican, Democratic and Independent candidates in federal, state, county and municipal election campaigns, including appearing before the N.J. Supreme Court, Appellate Division, and Law Division in Election Law litigation.
Ted Maciag has also served as counsel to candidates in U.S. Presidential campaigns, statewide Gubernatorial campaigns, United States Senate campaigns, and to candidates in Congressional, State Legislative, County, and Municipal elections, and in local election law matters, including Recounts and Petition Challenges, involving state, county and municipal candidates, Mayoral, Town Council and Township Committee candidates, Charter Change groups, and political committees throughout New Jersey, including candidate representation and election law litigation in Republican, Democratic and Independent campaigns in Bergen, Passaic, Hudson, Essex, Union, Somerset, Hunterdon, Warren, Morris, Mercer, Monmouth, Gloucester and Camden counties. For more information, click on "Election Law" at the left side of this page.
Call us at 908-704-8800 to speak with a lawyer about your legal needs, or to schedule a free Telephone Consultation today.
Personal Bankruptcy, Business Bankruptcy, Chapter 7, Chapter 11, Chapter 13; Stop Foreclosure, Loan Modification; Corporate Turnarounds and Chapter 11 Reorganization, Voidable Preference law, Bankruptcy Court Litigation; Zoning & Land Use; Election Law, Election Recounts; Government & Regulatory Law; and Corporate Reorganization.
Thaddeus R. Maciag Esq., Thaddeus Maciag, Ted Maciag, MACIAG LAW LLC, New Jersey Lawyers: Business Reorganization & Corporate Turnarounds, State & Federal Litigation: Princeton 08540, Montgomery 08540, Belle Mead 08502, Skillman 08558, Manville 08835, Hillsborough 08844, Bridgewater 08807, Somerville 08876, Branchburg 08876, Raritan 08869, NJ